Your purchase of a purebred dog did not cause an increase in the number of dogs in a shelter.
You wanting a dog with a predictable temperament from health tested parents and grand parents did not cause another dog to not get adopted.
A good breeder does meticulous research, we aren’t just producing puppies to produce puppies. We study pedigrees and look at the faults and strengths of the sire and dam and of the grand parents.
Maybe you need a working dog, sport dog, or simply a companion that sits on your lap, Australian Shepherds are not for every family or person. Talk to people that have them and get a sense of the energy level and trainability. You will also be committing to regular grooming, brushing and toenails.
As a breeder I’ve studied the health tests, temperament, pedigrees and have determined if certain dogs shall be bred. They don’t all pass the test. I breed only if it’s a benefit to the breed and the ASCA breed standard.
What’s causing shelter dogs? In my humble opinion, it is your neighbor that can’t contain their intact male or female, your buddy that bought a puppy from a Pet Shop (most of these puppies come from the mid-west and are shipped in), the Craigslist guy creating a new designer dog (everything seems to be mixed with poodle these days) or your relative that needs to have just 1 litter because her dog is just so sweet.
As your breeder, I will do my best to take back your dog and re-home it for you. I don’t want any Red Forrest Aussies ending up at the local animal shelter.